Facebook Announces Free WhatsApp servies in india..... 

Facebook Company offiicially  announced this news.Because mark zuckerberg CEO of Facebook and WhatsApp.He thought that in india many of the peoples were doesn't use internet till now.So that he decided to offering whatsApp application with free of cost.then many of people are interested to use this App.
WhatsApp Free in India
   Facebook announced its acquisition of WhatsApp Inc. on February 19, 2014, for US$19 billion.Then facebook company were introduced many features to attaract users to their App.
But What'sApp Facing big Competition of many other Apps such as hick,viber,bbr and many more.

The object of his affection this time was WhatsApp, a scrappy instant messaging application for smartphones that had become one of the most keenly courted upstarts in Silicon Valley. Its owners had already resisted the advances of Google, Zuckerberg's formidable rival suitor.
And over chocolate-covered strawberries that were intended for Chan, Zuckerberg agreed with Jan KoumWhatsApp's chief executive, the terms of a $19bn takeover that when announced last week astonished even seasoned watchers of an industry where cheques packed with zeros fly like paper planes.
The extraordinary price tag, bigger than any previous deal for a venture-capital-backed startup, made billionaires of Koum, a Ukrainian immigrant who once lived on benefits and who turns 38 on 24 February and his co-founder, Brian Acton, 42, who met as engineers at Yahoo! in the late 1990s.
Yet it also amplified warnings that in fighting an acquisitions arms race, the technology giants may be inflating another dotcom bubble without pausing to work out how firms such as WhatsApp – whose 450m users pay little or nothing for the privilege – might turn a profit. It is a gamble that has unnerved some of Zuckerberg's backers. The bullish insist he got a bargain.
This little app might not even exist if Zuckerberg had only hired Koum and Acton when they applied to work for him more than four years ago. "Facebook turned me down," Acton lamented on Twitter – which had itself already told him "no" – in August 2009. "Looking forward to life's next adventure."
He did not have to wait very long. Within three months, Acton had joined forces with Koum to help kick-start his former colleague's idea for an entry in the marketplace for mobile phone apps. It had enjoyed a slow-burn success since its launch earlier that year.
WhatsApp was already established as the name. However, instant messaging, which was at the time still almost completely dominated by the humble SMS, was not, in fact, its big idea. The point was simply for users to update their friends on what they were doing: "Working in the library"'; "At the dentist's." But unlike on Facebook and Twitter, where such updates would quickly be overtaken by newer ones, these would sit still.
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